The Necessity of that Someone
I was asked this question a couple of days ago and I was left speechless. It was one of those moments when I realize how insincere I can be... I tried to think of the best possible answer, I always do that: think of the best possible answer, but is the best possible answer (in my opinion) what I REALLY BELIEVE and live by? NO
It motivated me thought to write an article about it and actually do some deep thru research... Going back to the subject…
Once again, why is it important to have someone in our life’s? To be honest, I don't know. I can only assume based on things I have read, movies I have seen, or simply opinions I have heard that seem reasonable to me, but I am not certain.
We like being understood, heard, helped, taken care of, desired and these things can only be well done by someone that KNOWS us. People get to know us from information that comes from two main sources: ourselves or shared experiences.
We decide how much we want someone to know about us. We are able to deceive more easily through heard than through shared experiences. That is why it is said that people can only fall in love after some time, because this time allows for these individuals to share experiences (react to situations, go through something traumatic...etc) that may bind them closer together.
Is success in life (not including the love part) enough to live happily? Maybe not, because in my case for example, success is sweeter when I have someone to celebrate it with, someone that cares about me, and someone can't care about me the way I want to be cared for unless I have let that person know me, and also have shared different kinds of experiences with this person. I can't forget about attraction... it is important in the type of relationship I am describing.
I need a witness in my life, someone that understands where I come from and why I am the way I am. Someone that can see beyond the mask that we tend to wear at times; and a person willing to take me in with my flaws. Obviously these things need to be reciprocated: S
I don't know why the world needs someone to be happy, as a matter of fact, many will claim not needing of anyone to be happy. So I speak for myself; I have needs that can't be fulfilled by myself, so I look beyond myself for someone that can complete me.
Flaka super lindo! Yo tambien creo que todos necesitamos a alguien pero la vida es mas dura de lo k nos gustaria so.. pero la forma que pones tus ideas nos da esperanzas a nosotros aquellos que no tenemos el coraje de admitir la necesidad de alguien
By Anonymous, At 2:53 PM
Wow, I didn’t know that you were such a deep person. This is great, it leaves me thinking a lot.
By Anonymous, At 3:13 PM
Te casas conmigo loka? Linda que historia! Enserio te paso eso? Escribes muy lindo nena no lo dejes de hacer, tienes un carisma incomparable, creo que me enamore de ti! Claro si carly no me meta y no te mata a ti de paso! Enserio muy vacana la historia despues me cuentas con mas detalle. Vacana tu pagina siguela hacienda
By Anonymous, At 4:52 PM
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